As this graphic demonstrates, ice damming occurs when heat
loss causes snow to melt and slide down the slope of the roof. As it reaches the part of the roof over the
soffit, it freezes because there is no heat loss occurring. The result is a buildup of ice that makes it
increasingly difficult for melt water to escape as the ice grows in
height. The problem may be exacerbated
by gutters which are clogged or don’t drain properly and, in essence, form an
icy shelf on which the ice dam may grow.
Once the melt water begins to pool up it will wick back
under the roof covering materials and into the building. Ice dams must be removed without damaging the
roof covering materials. This may
involve hand tools, chipping guns and steaming equipment. The ice dams may be so extensive that the
best and/or most cost effective approach is to open channels in the dams and
coat the ice with calcium chloride to accelerate the melting process.
Once this winter is over, countless home and building owners will want to
make improvements and alterations to prevent future ice damming and water
intrusion. The first, and simplest
measure, is to make sure that gutters, outlets, conductor pipes, and drainage
inlets at grade are free and clear of obstructions. Next, look at the way the building is insulated. The addition of fiberglass insulation between
roof rafters or the attic floor joists will make a huge improvement. The use of closed-cell, spray foam insulation
should be resisted (see http://traditional-building.com/Ward_Hamilton/?p=379for more information.)
More involved measures are also available. The use of heating coils or, “heat tape,” is
often employed to keep the snow and ice over the soffit melted and the snow melt water
flowing. If you want to investigate this
method further, seek and obtain quotes from three firms that specialize in
these systems. Products sold at home improvement centers, designed to be installed by the purchaser, may have trouble keeping
up with even normal snowfalls. Seek out
“commercial grade,” industrial-strength systems installed by professionals,
even for residential applications.
Another option is the installation of snow slides, or snow
“pans,” over the soffit. Commonly made
of copper sheet metal, they form a virtually impermeable layer that ice has
trouble bonding with. While less
expensive materials like galvanized steel may be used, the short term savings
should be weighed against the long-term cost when the lesser metal outlives its
useful service life and must be replaced.
These systems are commonly seen in Upstate New York and Vermont, and
seen less frequently in other regions of the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states.

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